For hours Tom worked; he brought bandages and instruments to the nurses, cleaned wounds, cut space suits off of shattered limbs, and gave water to the wounded. He wished his father could see him, Father would be proud.
Tom sensed the battle for the ship was lost. He wondered what would happen to him and the others in Sick Bay. He worried about Ollie. These thoughts did not slow him from doing the work of saving lives. Dr. Johnson had trained him well, it was simple first aid, but it saved lives.
The communications center had been on standby, the faint gray screen was blank. In their focus to save lives no one paid attention to it, but now it lit up. A strange face in a black uniform was making a report to somebody they did not know. It took a moment to realize that a pirate with a black beard and soot smeared his face was talking on their monitor. Heart's sank, to freely use the communications system he had to be in control of important parts of the ship. “This is group leader Dirk. We captured the engine room. We’ll be sending wounded to the sick bay.”
The image split in two. A second face fickered next to the first, a man with long black hair. “Commander Marks speaking. Stay away from sick bay. It is defended by some ailen trained mutant attack beast, it is some kind of cross between a bear, a lion and a crocodile. It sent some of our best shock troops running for their lives and nearly tore off Carson’s head. Shuttle the wounded to the Fury. The screen went blank.
“Three cheers for Ollie the alien mutant attack beast!” The man with the burnt face shouted. Some laughed, though no one felt like laughing.
Over time other pirate leaders appeared on the monitor. Each reported the capture of one or another part of the ship. Each time the Doctor and nurses would look up from their work and watch the screen.
The beautiful face returned to the monitor. “This is Supreme Commander Graves. Stardiver four what is your condition?”
“Good news, your Supreme Lordship.” Commander Marx’s face took half the monitor she had the other. “We have taken the Command Center, we've captured the Captain, and principle officers. He will order the reaming fighters to surrender. Just Sick Bay is left." Commander Marx paused nervously, “Uh, we passed it by as a neutral location. I sent a man to investigate. He said only the doctor was there with some nurses taking care of the wounded.”
“Mr. Marx!” The Supreme commander’s dark brown eyes narrowed to snakelike slits. Her face seemed to harden and filled with wrath. Her voice was icy. “You lie! The man you sent is in the sick bay on the Furry. He nearly bled to death, and he is having major surgery right now. He reports some space mutant monster is defending sick bay. Capture sick bay now. Kill all who resist. Report to me your complete success or else.”
His sweaty dirty face went white. “I’ll lead the assault myself, Your Lordship.”
The screen flicked blank.
A voice came out of speakers all over the ship. It was Captain Price. He sounded tired and defeated. “I regret to inform you the ship is lost. I am proud of the defense of the crew, rangers, and volunteers. You fought bravely. To avoid more death and bloodshed all defenders of Stardiver Four are to lay down their weapons to give themselves up, and report to the common room. The sick bay is to surrender too.
Tom knew it was coming but to hear the Captain announce defeat was crushing. He hoped some last brave effort would save the ship, now they were lost.
Ollie could sense what people were feeling. He knew they had given up. He never gave up; the wild wolf side of his nature would never let him. He didn't understand the feeling of failure.
Commander Marx came on the screen again. “All members of the Liberation Brotherhood, all mercenaries, contractors and other freedom fighters are to cease fire. We have the ship. Well done men. Bring prisoners to the common room and treat them with respect.” Then after a pause, “The Tactical assault team is to meet me outside sick bay in five minutes with heavy weapons.” The screen went blank.
Dr. Johnson was as calm as if someone just announced they were going on a pick-nick. “Now everybody, do not be upset. Just wait in the hall for our guest to show up.” He placed a hand on Tom’s shoulder. “Son, we are grateful to Ollie for saving our lives. I suggest you get him to an escape pod now. That assault team is coming just for Ollie. They will kill him for what he did to their man. And that Marx fellow has to show something like a dead body to the Supreme What’s her Name so he won’t be in trouble with her.”
Heavy boots could be heard from far up the hall. Tom needed to other encouragement; he had to save Ollie.
“Come on, boy, Follow me!” Tom dashed out the door into the hazy smoky corridor. He sprang over trash and litter from the fight, and ran as fast as he could. Ollie raced beside him, delighted to run. Tom turned right and leaped into the short passage that led to the little round pod door. Ollie made the turn with ease as if he were a bird on wing. The red pad was beside the door, it became green and the door opened with a hiss. They jumped through and the dark round chamber light up with a soft yellow light. Tom turned to touch the pad that would close the door. He froze. There were voices nearby.
“Hey, Stinky, Did you hear that?” asked a deep voice from around the corner.
“Yep, someone went this way. It sounded like a door.”
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Ollie could smell the evil of the men. |
(c) Adron
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