Thursday, March 5, 2015


A short chapter of the science fiction blog novel.  Here the boss of the mercenaries gives into greed and stays on with the pirates as they continue their mock revolution.


Chapter 37
Whitey Sells His Soul To The Supreme Commander

     Whitey found all the communications systems on the ship were offline.  As he stomped down the halls of the ship he tried each one he came to, but none activated by command or touch.  After covering the long length of the ship he finally came to a transport that was still docked.  Its three-man crew was busy patching battle damage and ignored him.  As he sat in the pilot’s seat the command console rose up and wrapped around the seat.  Hundreds of switches, pads, and knobs were mounted in neat rows on all sides.  Touching the pad that activated the communications systems made the monitor appear in front of him.  Soon her majesty, the Supreme Commander, was looking at him with big beautiful eyes.

      Whitey knew her type.  He had run across them time and again; vain, selfish, calculating, and greedy- all the usual.  A little play acting would go farther than bullying. “Supreme Commander Graves. Thank you for your time.  I know you are busy and I will be brief.”

     “Yes, Lieutenant Whitey.”

     “We have fulfilled our contract and assisted in the capture of Stardiver Four.  The ship is now secure and in the hands of the Brotherhood.  I do not see any more need for our services and will be withdrawing to another operation I have under contract.”

     Ruby's face was indifferent and hard for him to read as he waited long moments for her response. She sighed.  “Lieutenant, of course, you can leave now but you will forfeit your pay.  On the other hand, I have an opportunity for you to double your pay if you stay.”

     “Supreme Commander Graves, with all due respect our contract was with General Armstrong and was only a security detail. You bought his contract after his, what was it? Shall we say an unfortunate death? You modified the contract to assist and give strength to the capture of the Stardiver.  That is what we have done, so there is no way we forfeit our pay.  Also, this operation was costly in lives and resources.  I owe my men extra hazard pay and will have to spend all my profits in restocking my supplies.  We took heavy casualties, so I need to recruit replacements for my lost boys."

     "I would think an opportunity to double your profit would cover those cost."  Her beautiful face turned away as if she was losing interest in talking to him.

      "OK. Tell me what is this opportunity?”

     Her full lips tightened in a slight smile. “Whitey, my dear, you are the most experienced leader I have.  I find myself shorthanded.  Loosing General Armstrong was unfortunate; we needed leaders but we discovered he was an agent for the united planets; I do not forgive traitors so I allowed his death.  Now I need leaders who can win battles. Are you one?”

     “You know I am.  You would not have taken Stardiver Four without me and my boys. But can you afford me?”

     “I will not double your contract I will triple it.”

     “I want payment now for this first operation.  My men are free agents and need constant maintenance, you know, a flow of money keeps them from wandering away.”

     “Of course, my dear.” She purred.

     “I want hard cash.”

      She rolled her eyes impatiently “OK. Very well.  I will send a shuttle with your payment up to date in cold hard gold.  In exchange, you will stay on for the invasion.  You will be under the command of Captain Stone and you will be his first lieutenant."

     Whitey hoped the transmission was capturing his most serious expression as he played his best poker game.  He leaned forward.  "Sorry, I'm out."


     "Your man, Stone, is a murder and a fool,"  He told her nothing she did not already know.  "Stone has no leadership and no control of his men.  He will run this ship into a star or asteroid if he doesn't find a knife in his back first.  No, I will not be his lieutenant."

     "That is unfortunate."

     "But I may have an offer for you."

     "Go on"

     "My organization could stay on as independent agents.  Not members of the brotherhood, not under Stone's command.  Think of us as a personal resource.  My men and I will not join your revolution or become part of the Brotherhood.  By remaining independent our strengths will not be diluted.  And this way I can report directly to you and you will have no doubt where I stand."

     "So you will be in a position to play both sides.  Is that it Whitey?  You will be able to jump to the winning side or the highest bidder.  Remember I do not forgive traitors."

     "I can always jump sides if I want, and if you check my past you will see my word is good.  But I will not be Stone's lieutenant.  You pay me so I will take orders from you, but I will not take orders from Stonebutt, nor guarantee his safety."

     "Can you work along side him?  Or will I get a report that one of you has killed the other."

     "If your orders are to work alongside as a separate division but not under his command then yes.  I do not guarantee your latter question."

     "I think we have an understanding then.  Stay on the Stardiver and get it up and running, I will tell Captain Stone that you are a separate division and not under his command.  I will give orders about the invasion in the next twenty-four hours."

     "OK. we have an understanding that includes triple pay and payment now for services rendered.

     "Agreed and Whitey... ?” Her voice tailed off in a questioning tone.


     “Stay with us and think about what position you may be interested in, in the new central government.”

     Whitey recognized the dangling carrot for the empty promise that it was. “First things first, Supreme Commander.”

     Ruby Graves smiled.  It was a rare event.  She felt that here was her equal.  Her image left the monitor, as it turned blank.

     The transports left one after another taking wounded and prisoners to the captured station.  One transport came from the Pirate’s flagship.  It had no crew only a chest- a chest filled with gold.

(c) Adron

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